Posts Tagged ‘pets’

Day 8 in Blog Challenge is things you don’t know about me. 10 of them, even! Since a picture says more than thousands word, I found pictures and a few words, in a mix of WoW related things and…well, just me things. Here we go!

New Westfall

So I have taken a look on a few changes in game now. There’s really no point in writing about everything here, I am sure there are other websites doing that better than me. However, I’d like to share my first few impressions. Stormwind looks great, and there have been added more flightpaths to Azeroth, less running / riding. Lots of zones are different, and got new quests added to them. I think leveling a new toon will fun again, when you haven’t done everything several times before.


I paid Guilneas a visit, and first thing I saw was heavy raind and sheeps. I love both, so very good. Also ran into a lovely little creature, a fox, and had to get my hunter there to see if it could be tamed. It could! So now I have the sweetest pet ever, it even has a racial ability for playing, so it can dance. Pretty! If anyone have a good petname for it, feel free to call out 😀


Big Bada Boom

While I’m writing this, the world of Azeroth is changing! When I log back in tomorrow there will be…well, probably too much qq to handle in trade channel, lag and confusion, but also a new world to explore! When I was new in WoW, the think I liked most was exploring a new zone. I wasn’t really into the map function (let’s face it, I’m still not!), so all of a sudden a zine could change from try desert into lush jungle, and I was excited every time it happened. Much of the game I just ran around exploring, killing the creatures I came over, well, if I managed before they killed me, that is.

I have had access to Beta server since the beginning, but I don’t really want to know TOO much about the game in advance, specially not the new areas. It wouldn’t feel fresh that way. So yes, I am excited about tomorrow.

I am a bit surprised though, I thought the cataclysm would occur in, well, Cataclysm. And then the world changes two weeks before. Hm. Can’t deny the fact that it feels a bit like cheating, but I’ll live with it. Apparently, the portals in Dalaran will be gone tomorrow. I said goodbye to the places I like the most. Goodbye,  Purple Parlour where I liked to hide, put on a red dress and look down at the city. Goodbye well, where I used to jump down for quicker access to sewers. And most of all; Goodbye, wall on the stairs outside southern bank (the left wall, never the right one) where I always, always stood before and after raid time. I know I can do all this at later point, but… it felt like the last time anyway.

The last thing I did before server shut down was Warsong Gulch. Then I logged off in Stormwind, not sure what it will be like when I get back in tomorrow.

Furbolg form + baby wolf = Win. Nuff said.

As usual, I do things at the last-minute. There were many things I wanted to do before Cataclysm. Loremaster. Zul Gurub mounts. Classic Dungeonmaster. Winterspring Frostsaber. I didn’t get these things done, but on the other hand I got my wand that turns me into a Furbolg and my dearly beloved Worg pup (also gave it a lovely name ;)). So I am happy! And still excited, but… there are places I will miss.

Nr 1. Always been. Always will be.

Since I haven’t read everything I’ve come over about Cataclysm, I don’t know exactly which zones will change and which ones that will remain. But I paid a last visit to my favourite place in WoW, Winterspring. I love how the snow glows, the stars on the pale sky, the hot springs and the footprints my mount leave in the snow. So, in case you change; Goodbye Winterspring. Anything you are glad you got to do before the changes? Any places you will miss?

Sometimes I ask myself for how long I will play WoW, at least on the same basis as I’m doing now. Only thing I know is that it will probably (and hopefully?) not be forever.  I’m not planning to quit now, I’m having too much fun for that, but when that times comes I was planning on ordering an ego-copy of myself. For memories. Means something I can look at and think “why on earth did I bother spending such amount of time on that game”, but hopefully it will also remind me all the fun I had, and that I actually got several friends out of it. And no, not the pixellated friends who take your alt through Deadmines, but actual, real homo-sapien friends you have dinner and do actual rl-stuff with.

You have maybe heard of, maybe even visited, FigurePrints. Personally I have earlier found it a bit too expensive to actually place an order, but the prices are now reduced (from 170 to 130 Euro).  If you are the proud owner of a toon that you want to see shaped into stone you will also probably want some better gear than those green-of-the-boar leggings which makes your ass look big. This is also FigurePrints conclusion, because lately they have added an option where you either can choose your own gear, updated from Armory, or pick another armor set. Were you a hardcore Vanilla raider, had full t3 set and would like to remember your toon from the glorious days when you had the time of your life before Blizz messed it all up? You got it!

I’m obviously not the only one who is considering purchasing some WoW effects to cheer up my home, there are tons of stuff out there!

How about a shirt for the doggy? Jewelery for your sweetheart? Soap for the bathroom? Or, mana / health energy drinks to get you through those long wip.. uhm I mean raid nights /nod. If nothing else, would be a fun present for a friend who is also trapped into this hobby we call World of Warcraft.

I also found a selection of plush animals, and have to admit I am very attracted to the voidwalker one. And how cute isn’t the baby murlock??

Gimme, please

gif animator♥Sadly we don’t match very much, but she is still the most beautiful, fluffy and precious cat in the world ♥


It’s a known fact that some pets look like their owners. Or is it the owners that look like their pets? Anyway, some people take this even into WoW. There are pet collectors, there are armor pet collector, and there is the player Drrum from Stormrage US that combibe those two and match her armor with her pets. I came over this at WoW Insider, and had to go through all the amazing screenshots.

I have a soft spot for shiny looking armor AND for pets, so this some of the most interesting I have seen on a long time. I just had to post some of Drrum’s pictures here, for the whole collection, click here, go go go! You will not regret it 😀



Posted: August 31, 2010 in When afk
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I have a new niece, and she is the most beautiful, charming, adorable and irresistable creature ever. At least to me. She is also wild, disobeyed and messy, but that I don’t have to worry about, I leave that to her “mum”, my sister Kaja who got herself a puppy, after asking for one everyday since she learned how to speak 19 years ago.

The little one is called Ella, is 11 weeks old and she is a King Cavalier Charles Spaniel. We met her for the first time when she was 3 weeks old, and she is growing more and more for every day. She is already a stubborn little lady who tries to get it her way, and I can honestly say she has stolen mine, and also the whole family’s heart. Welcome to the world, dear Ella.

Random things to do when bored

Posted: July 21, 2010 in When bored
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Fokanell walks his pug in a leashe around Dalaran every night, wearing Don Carlos’ Famous Hat.  How nice. How random!